Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Epic Heroes and the Epic of Gilgamesh

Online Version  - Epic of Gilgamesh

Online Version 

Epic Hero Power Point

Guided notes for Epic Hero Power Point

8 Stages of an Epic Journey

Epic of Gilgamesh Study Guide

Great Blog with Summary


Stages of Life

English 1: Utopia and Dystopia

Utopia/Dystopia Power Point

Guided notes power point

"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin

"Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr

Hero Essay - English 2

English 2 - ESSAY DUE TUESDAY 2/7: Using 2 specific examples from your own personal experience, books, movies, observations or current events write a 3 paragraph essay defining "hero."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks: Police Do Be Out

The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks: Police Do Be Out:



Please do not choose to overlook this opportunity. 


Find your partner and be productive!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Living Their Lives Essentially Online" PBS

Minimum 40 words on all questions

From the teacher’s comments on the video yesterday, do you think that it is true that your generation cannot stay on task, cannot communicate face to face, and has trouble with long assignments due to the immediate feedback you are used to from texting, im’ing, and the internet? WHY or WHY NOT – At Least 50 words and use examples please

Think about Autumn Edows, the goth girl with the racy website, why do you think so many people create “other” identities on the internet or lie about their age and looks on the internet? Is it healthy? Is it OK to do that? Why or why not? EXPLAIN

Obviously, having your parents stand over you on chat, read all your emails, and check your Facebook, Twitter,  etc… accounts is mortifying. SO—If watching 24/7 is not the answer, what do you think is the best way to protect children even teenagers from predators on the internet? Be specific

Considering that there are sites telling kids how to be sick (anorexia etc…). how to commit suicide, and how to do harmful things…do you think there should be some sort of age control on web content? What could be done to keep young, easily influenced minds from going to such sites?

From the video yesterday, does a middle schooler REALLY understand life well enough to commit suicide? Do you think that 13 year old would have committed suicide had it not been for the cyber bullying and the other kid on the web coaching/telling him to do it?

What do you think is the most common form of cyberbullying? Is it real?  Have you cyberbullied or have you ever been cyberbullied?

“Sexting” is a huge deal right now after the media has (finally) recognized that teenagers do it and is highlighting some consequences of it (blackmail, removal from teams, even suicide in on case), and because police departments are now prosecuting students for exposure and child pornography when caught doing this. There are even new PSA’s (Public Service Announcements) about it airing. WHY do you think it is so common and what do you think about the law cracking down on it? Do you think it will go away? Has it already “calmed down” from the first sets of teenagers with the camera phones and text messaging?

Do you think the internet, text messaging, Facebook, and social networking has ruined the concept of “privacy” or just brought about a new way of living where you make your own time for privacy or are less concerned about what is private? What IS private in a teenager’s life now?

I went on vacation with a person that could not even look at a sight or enjoy the moment because they were too busy putting the pictures or the status on Facebook with their cell phone. Also, I have heard many college students refer to their romantic relationships as official but not “Facebook Official” yet. Do you know people who seem to not find things important unless they can Facebook it, like it makes it more somehow? Why do people, some people, have the need to tell everything sometimes? Do you think sometimes you should do things and NOT Facebook or Text about it?